piripherals.led module

Things that have to do with controlling LEDs

class piripherals.led.NeoPixels(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

an interface to NeoPixel LEDs based on rpi_ws281x.

This wraps around PixelStrip and adds additional functionality, especially asynchronous animation support.

Constructor arguments are passed to PixelStrip.

  • num (int) – # of LEDs on the strip
  • pin (int) – BCM pin number of data pin. not all pins are allowed, see pin usage information of rpi_ws281x.
animate(func, atexit=None, freq=1, period=0, timeout=0, cycles=0, fade=0, delay=0.01, wait=False)[source]

asynchronous animation

The animation is executed on a separate thread. The animation is stopped, when any function, that changes the state of the LEDs, is called. The animation is defined in func. This function gets passed 3 arguments:

  • p - raw PixelStrip, call methods of this to manipulate the LEDs,
    which results in the animation
  • s - normalized time in [0,1] in animation period, use this
    to create cyclic animations
  • t - time in seconds since startof animation

func is called repeatedly with delay between the calls.

  • func (callable(p,s,t)) – animation function
  • atexit (callable()) – exit hook, function to call after animation
  • freq (float) – animation frequency in Hz
  • period (float) – animation period in seconds (freq=1/period), give either freq or period, period has higher priority
  • timeout (float) – animation duration in seconds
  • cycles (float) – animation cycle count, (timeout=cycles/freq) give either timeout or cycles, cycles has higher priority
  • fade (float) – fade out animation over this number of seconds (sets timeout=fade)
  • delay (float) – delay in seconds between calls of func
  • wait (bool) – wait for animation to finish, synchronous animation, requires timeout

blink LEDs on strip with given blink pattern.

  • pattern (str) – the blink pattern, that is played back in each
  • period. It is either a str of 1 and 0 without space, (animation) –
  • a str with space separated float brightness values. (or) –

for other args see animate()

breathe(n=1, fade=0, color=None, **kwargs)[source]

brightness breathing animation.

This was inspired by http://sean.voisen.org/blog/2011/10/breathing-led-with-arduino/.

  • n (float) – nonlinearity of brightness function
  • color (tuple(r,g,b)) – color set on animation start

for other args see animate()


set brightness, affects all LEDs

Parameters:b (float) – brightness in range [0,1]
clock(secs=1, **kwargs)[source]

a clock.

Works best on a circular strip with 12 LEDs. Hours are red, minutes are green, seconds are blue.

Parameters:secs (int) – show blue seconds 0 = do not show seconds, 1 = show blue seconds, 2 = flash white seconds in 12th position, 3 = run white seconds around in loop

for other args see animate()

color(led=None, r=0, g=-1, b=-1, v=-1)[source]

set color

  • led (int) – # of LED on strip to set the color for, None = all LEDs
  • r (float) – red value from range [0,1], if not given r = 0
  • g (float) – green value from range [0,1], if not given g = r
  • b (float) – blue value from range [0,1], if not given b = g
  • v (float) – brightness, see brightness(), is applied to all LEDs

rotating rainbow animation, for args see animate()

sequence(colors=[(1, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0.5, 0.5), (0, 0, 1), (0.5, 0, 0.5)], **kwargs)[source]

animate first LED with given sequence of colors.

Parameters:colors ([(r,g,b),..]) – sequence of colors

for other args see animate()