Source code for piripherals.led

"Things that have to do with controlling LEDs"

from time import sleep, monotonic
from threading import Thread, Condition, RLock
from math import exp, cos, pi, floor, ceil
from datetime import datetime
import traceback
import atexit
from .util import *
    from rpi_ws281x import PixelStrip

__all__ = ['NeoPixels']

def wheel(p):
    a = 3 * (p % (1 / 3))
    c1, c2, c3 = [int(255 * x) for x in (1 - a, a, 0)]
    b = int(3 * p)
    if b == 0:
        return c1, c2, c3
    elif b == 1:
        return c3, c1, c2
        return c2, c3, c1

[docs]class NeoPixels(object): """an interface to NeoPixel LEDs based on rpi_ws281x_. This wraps around PixelStrip_ and adds additional functionality, especially asynchronous animation support. Constructor arguments are passed to PixelStrip_. Args: num (int): # of LEDs on the strip pin (int): BCM_ pin number of data pin. not all pins are allowed, see `pin usage`_ information of rpi_ws281x_. .. _rpi_ws281x: .. _PixelStrip: .. _pin usage: .. _BCM: """ _strip = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._strip = PixelStrip(*args, **kwargs) self.auto_show = True self._strip.begin() self._start_loop() atexit.register(self.color) # turn LEDs off at exit def __getattr__(self, name): a = getattr(self._strip, name) def b(*args, **kwargs): self._running = False self._cond.acquire() a(*args, **kwargs) if self.auto_show: self._cond.release() return b def _start_loop(self): self._cond = Condition(RLock()) self._cond.acquire() def start_stop_loop(): self._cond.acquire() while True: self._cond.notify() self._cond.wait() try: self._animation_loop() except: self._running = False traceback.print_exc() if self._atexit: self._atexit() fork(start_stop_loop) self._cond.wait() self._cond.release() def _animation_loop(self): t0 = monotonic() try: self._running = True b = self._strip.getBrightness() while self._running: t = monotonic() - t0 # time since animation start if self._timeout and t > self._timeout: break s = (t * self._freq) % 1 # normalized period time self._func(self._strip, s, t) if self._fade: self._strip.setBrightness(int(b * (1 - t / self._fade))) sleep(max(0, self._delay - (monotonic() - t0 - t))) finally: self._running = False
[docs] def animate(self, func, atexit=None, freq=1, period=0, timeout=0, cycles=0, fade=0, delay=0.01, wait=False): """asynchronous animation The animation is executed on a separate thread. The animation is stopped, when any function, that changes the state of the LEDs, is called. The animation is defined in ``func``. This function gets passed 3 arguments: - ``p`` - raw PixelStrip_, call methods of this to manipulate the LEDs, which results in the animation - ``s`` - normalized time in [0,1] in animation period, use this to create cyclic animations - ``t`` - time in seconds since startof animation ``func`` is called repeatedly with ``delay`` between the calls. Args: func (callable(p,s,t)): animation function atexit (callable()): exit hook, function to call after animation freq (float): animation frequency in Hz period (float): animation period in seconds (freq=1/period), give either freq or period, period has higher priority timeout (float): animation duration in seconds cycles (float): animation cycle count, (timeout=cycles/freq) give either timeout or cycles, cycles has higher priority fade (float): fade out animation over this number of seconds (sets timeout=fade) delay (float): delay in seconds between calls of func wait (bool): wait for animation to finish, synchronous animation, requires timeout """ self._running = False self._cond.acquire() self._func = func self._freq = 1 / period if period else freq self._timeout = fade or ((cycles / self._freq) if cycles else timeout) self._fade = fade self._delay = delay if wait and not self._timeout: raise Exception('deadlock: wait=1 and timeout=0') b0 = self._strip.getBrightness() def reset(): self._strip.setBrightness(b0) self.color() self._atexit = atexit or reset self._cond.notify() if wait: self._cond.wait() self._cond.release()
[docs] def brightness(self, b=1): """set brightness, affects all LEDs Args: b (float): brightness in range [0,1] """ self.setBrightness(int(255 * b))
[docs] def color(self, led=None, r=0, g=-1, b=-1, v=-1): """set color Args: led (int): # of LED on strip to set the color for, None = all LEDs r (float): red value from range [0,1], if not given r = 0 g (float): green value from range [0,1], if not given g = r b (float): blue value from range [0,1], if not given b = g v (float): brightness, see :meth:`brightness`, is applied to all LEDs """ self._running = False self._cond.acquire() if led and led < 0: led += self._strip.numPixels() if g < 0: g = r if b < 0: b = g if v >= 0: self._strip.setBrightness(int(255 * v)) rgb = [int(255 * v) for v in (r, g, b)] if led is None: for i in range(self._strip.numPixels()): self._strip.setPixelColorRGB(i, *rgb) else: self._strip.setPixelColorRGB(led, *rgb) if self.auto_show: self._cond.release()
[docs] def rainbow(self, **kwargs): "rotating rainbow animation, for args see :meth:`animate`" def f(p, s, t): n = p.numPixels() for i in range(n): p.setPixelColorRGB(i, *wheel((i / n - s) % 1)) self.animate(f, **kwargs)
[docs] def breathe(self, n=1, fade=0, color=None, **kwargs): """brightness breathing animation. This was inspired by Args: n (float): nonlinearity of brightness function color(tuple(r,g,b)): color set on animation start for other args see :meth:`animate` """ if fade: def h(t): return 1 - t / fade kwargs['timeout'] = fade else: def h(t): return 1 a, b = exp(-n), 1 / (exp(n) - exp(-n)) def g(t, s): return b * (exp(-n * cos(2 * pi * s)) - a) * h(t) b0 = self._strip.getBrightness() def f(p, s, t): p.setBrightness(int(b0 * g(t, s))) if color: self.color(None, *color) self.animate(f, **kwargs)
[docs] def sequence(self, colors=[(1, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0.5, 0.5), (0, 0, 1), (0.5, 0, 0.5)], **kwargs): """animate first LED with given sequence of colors. Args: colors ([(r,g,b),...]): sequence of colors for other args see :meth:`animate` """ colors = [tuple(map(lambda x: int(255 * float(x)), c)) for c in colors] l = len(colors) def f(p, s, t): return p.setPixelColorRGB(0, *colors[int(s * l)]) self.animate(f, **kwargs)
[docs] def clock(self, secs=1, **kwargs): """a clock. Works best on a circular strip with 12 LEDs. Hours are red, minutes are green, seconds are blue. Args: secs (int): show blue seconds 0 = do not show seconds, 1 = show blue seconds, 2 = flash white seconds in 12th position, 3 = run white seconds around in loop for other args see :meth:`animate` """ def color(r, g, b): return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b def f(p, s, t): now = h, m, s, us = now.hour, now.minute, now.second, now.microsecond n = p.numPixels() g = 2.5 # brightness gamma correction def pos(v, single=0): v *= n if single: return [(round(v) % n, 1)] else: return [(floor(v), (1 - v % 1)), (ceil(v) % n, (v % 1))] def get(i): return p.getPixelColor(i) def set(i, c): return p.setPixelColor(i, c) def add(i, c): set(i, get(i) | c) for i in range(n): set(i, 0) for i, v in pos(h / 12, 1): add(i, color(int(255 * v), 0, 0)) for i, v in pos((m + s / 60) / 60, 0): add(i, color(0, int(255 * v**g), 0)) if secs: for i, v in pos((s + us * 1e-6) / 60, 0): add(i, color(0, 0, int(255 * v**g))) if secs > 2: for i, v in pos((us * 1e-6), 0): v = int(20 * v**g) add(i, color(v, v, v)) if secs > 1 and us < 0.1e6: add(0, color(80, 80, 80)) self.animate(f, **kwargs)
def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter from signal import pause parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('num', type=int, help='number of pixels') parser.add_argument('pin', type=int, help='BCM# of data pin') parser.add_argument('mode', help='animation mode', choices=['clock', 'breathe', 'rainbow', 'blink', 'sequence']) parser.add_argument('-b', '--brightness', type=float, default=0.5, help='brightness [0,1]') parser.add_argument('-f', '--fade', type=float, default=0, help='fade out time in seconds') parser.add_argument('-p', '--period', type=float, default=1, help='animation period in seconds') parser.add_argument('-s', '--secs', type=int, default=1, help='clock seconds mode') args = parser.parse_args() p = NeoPixels(args.num, p.brightness(args.brightness) m = args.mode kwargs = {'fade': args.fade, 'period': args.period} if m == 'clock': p.clock(secs=args.secs, **kwargs) elif m == 'rainbow': p.rainbow(**kwargs) elif m == 'breathe': p.breathe(color=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs) elif m == 'blink': p.blink(color=(1, 0, 0), **kwargs) elif m == 'sequence': p.sequence(**kwargs) else: raise Exception('undefined mode ' + m) if args.fade: sleep(args.fade + 1) else: pause() if __name__ == '__main__': main()