Source code for piripherals.button

"""Things that have to do with buttons, digital inputs.

Use GPIO pins as button inputs with debouncing and multi-click and hold-detection.

from .util import not_raising, fork, cleanup_at_exit
from threading import Thread, Event
from functools import partial
from time import sleep, monotonic
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

__all__ = ['ClickButton']

[docs]class ClickButton: """Representation of a button with multi-click and hold-detection. This was inspired by, but extended to n-clicks and click-hold. .. note:: Most debouncing code out there is wrong. The debounce functionality of RPi.GPIO just suppresses events, but does not debounce. Debouncing correctly in software is tricky but doable. Read this This button can be bound to GPIO pins but it can be used with other input sources as well. **What is click, hold, up/down, pressed/released?** The state of the button is updated by calling :meth:`update` with ``True`` or ``False`` as argument (equivalently just calling the button, calling :meth:`press`, :meth:`release`). Updating the state to ``True`` is called `press`, updating the state to ``False`` is called `release`. The state is `changed` when :meth:`update` was called with a parameter different from the previous call. If the state did not change for a time > ``click_time``, the button in considered `down` (stated changed to `pressed`) or `up` (state changed to `released`). This effectivly debounces the input. The final state wins, but quick jumps between states are filtered out. The button is considered `clicked` when 1. it was `pressed` for > ``click_time`` (click is counted) 2. and then `released` for > ``double_click_time`` (click is fired) If it was pressed again after beeing released within < ``double_click_time``, another click may be counted (start again at 1.). This way n-clicks can be detected. The button is considered `held` when it was `pressed` for > ``hold_time`` (enter hold state). There might have been preceding clicks, that have been counted, but not fired. This way we get n-hold, with n beeing the number of clicks preceding the hold. Hold events are fired as long as the button stays held with ``hold_repeat`` delay, if ``hold_repeat`` > 0. .. attention:: Setting ``when_clicked`` or ``when_held`` disables any handlers registered with :meth:`on_click` or :meth:`on_hold`. So there is either a single click/hold handler or a handler for each type of click/hold. Args: pin (int): BCM_ pin to bind to, 0 = do not use GPIO when_clicked (callable(n)): click handler, n = # of clicks when_held (callable(n)): hold handler, n = # of clicks before hold click_time (float): seconds button needs to stay in pressed/released state to consider it a click (this does the debouncing) double_click_time (float): max. seconds between clicks to count them as double clicks (or triple, or quadruple, ...) hold_time (float): seconds in pressed state after which button is considered held hold_repeat (float): seconds between repeated hold events, when button stays held, 0 = disable hole repeat name (str): name of the button for str() and debugging .. _BCM: """ def __init__(self, pin=0, when_clicked=None, when_held=None, click_time=25e-3, double_click_time=200e-3, hold_time=1, hold_repeat=0, name=None): = name self.pressed = False self.held = False self.down = False self.time = 0 self.clicks = 0 self.click_time = click_time self.double_click_time = double_click_time self.hold_time = hold_time self.hold_repeat = hold_repeat if when_clicked: self.when_clicked = not_raising(when_clicked) self.click_handlers = {} if when_held: self.when_held = not_raising(when_held) self.hold_handlers = {} if pin: self.bind(pin) def __str__(self): return or 'ClickButton' def _handle(self, handlers, n): try: handlers[n]() except KeyError: pass
[docs] def when_clicked(self, n): """fired when clicked. Args: n (int): # of clicks, 1 = single click, 2 = double click, ... """ self._handle(self.click_handlers, n)
[docs] def when_held(self, n): """fired when held. Args: n (int): # of clicks *before* hold, 0 = hold, 1 = click + hold 2 = double click + hold """ self._handle(self.hold_handlers, n)
[docs] def on_click(self, n, callback, *args, **kwargs): """register a click handler. Args: n (int): # of click to register the handler with, see :meth:`when_clicked` callback (callable): the handler *args: args passed to handler **kwargs: kwargs passed to handler """ self.click_handlers[n] = partial( not_raising(callback), *args, **kwargs) return callback
[docs] def on_hold(self, n, callback, *args, **kwargs): """register a hold handler. Args: n (int): # of click to register the handler with, see :meth:`when_held` callback (callable): the handler *args: args passed to handler **kwargs: kwargs passed to handler """ self.hold_handlers[n] = partial(not_raising(callback), *args, **kwargs) return callback
[docs] def update(self, pressed, now=None): """update state. When bound to GPIO this called automatically. You need to call this, when you want bind this button a different input source. This can (and must be) call ed repeatedly (even with teh same pressed state) to allow the click and hold detection to work. The button itself is callable, calling the button is equivalent to call :meth:`update`. Args: pressed (bool): True = button is down, False = button is up now (float): time when it change state (optional) """ if not now: now = monotonic() is_pressed = pressed # new state was_pressed = self.pressed # old state dt = now - self.time # time since last state change if dt > self.click_time: self.down = is_pressed if not was_pressed: if is_pressed: # state changed --> pressed self.pressed = True self.time = now else: # still released if self.clicks and dt > self.double_click_time: self.when_clicked(self.clicks) self.clicks = 0 elif was_pressed: if is_pressed: # still pressed if self.held: if self.hold_repeat and dt > self.hold_repeat: self.time = now self.when_held(self.clicks) elif dt > self.hold_time: # state changed --> held self.held = True self.time = now self.when_held(self.clicks) else: # state changed --> released if self.held: self.clicks = 0 elif dt > self.click_time: self.clicks += 1 self.pressed = self.held = False self.time = now
[docs] def press(self): ":meth:`update()` with ``pressed=True``" self.update(True)
[docs] def release(self): ":meth:`update()` with ``pressed=False``" self.update(False)
[docs] def is_down(self): """check if button is down, respecting click_time The button itself evaluated as ``bool(button)`` is equivalent to ``is_down()``: Return: bool: if down for > click_time """ return self.down
[docs] def is_up(self): """check if button is up, respecting click_time Return: bool: if up for > click_time """ return not self.down
[docs] def is_held(self): """check if button is held, respecting hold_time Return: bool: if down for > hold_time """ return self.held
[docs] def bind(self, pin, low_active=1, pullup=1, delay=0.01, count=100): """bind to GPIO pin. .. note:: The state of the GPIO will be polled regularly, but the polling is only started on demand after edge detection and runs for a limited time. Args: pin (int): BCM_ pin number low_active (bool): low means pressed pullup (int): 1 = pullup, -1 = pulldown, 0 = nothing delay (float): delay between polls in seconds count (int): # of polls after button was released, this allows the polling to be paused if the button is untouched """ GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) cleanup_at_exit(GPIO) pullup = [GPIO.PUD_DOWN, GPIO.PUD_OFF, GPIO.PUD_UP][pullup + 1] pressed = GPIO.LOW if low_active else GPIO.HIGH edge = GPIO.FALLING if low_active else GPIO.RISING GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=pullup) event = Event() GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, edge, lambda *x: event.set()) def poll(): k = -1 while True: if k < 0: event.clear() event.wait() k = count self.update(GPIO.input(pin) == pressed) if self.pressed: k = count else: k -= 1 sleep(delay) fork(poll)
__call__ = update __bool__ = is_down